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The effect of treatment of potato seed tubers withPseudomonas putida isolate WCS358 on tuber yield was studied in different crop rotations at the Experimental Farm De Schreef, near Lelystad. With untreated, tuber yield in a 1:3 (short) rotation compared to yield in a 1:6 (long) rotation of potato was decreased by 11% at 86 days (seed tuber harvest) and by 14% at 130 days (ware potato harvest) after seeding. Seed tuber treatment with the wild-type isolate WCS358 increased tuber yield with 13% in a short rotation of potato 86 days after seeding, whereas a siderophore-negative Tn5 transposon mutant of this isolate had no effect on tuber yield. Seed tuber treatment with the wild-type isolate or the siderophore-negative mutant in a long rotation of potato had no effect on tuber yield. At 130 days after seeding no effect of any of the seed tuber treatments was found in both short and long rotations of potato.Root colonization by siderophore-producing Tn5 transposon mutants of WCS358 was decreased at the end of the growing season. No difference in root colonization between siderophore-producing and siderophore-negative Tn5 transposon mutants was found at 130 days after seeding.Siderophore production seems to be a prerequisite in potato tuber yield increase by WCS358 under field conditions. This is the first time that the involvement of siderophores in growth stimulation has been demonstrated in the field.Samenvatting De invloed van een behandeling van aardappelpootgoed metPseudomonas putida isolaat WCS358 op de knolopbrengst werd onderzocht in verschillende gewasrotaties on een proefveld van proefboerderij De Schreef, Flevopolder. In de controlebehandelingen werd in een nauwe aardappelrotatie (1:3) een reductie van 11% in opbrengst van pootaardappelen (86 dagen na het poten) geconstateerd ten opzichte van een ruime aardappelrotatie (1:6); 130 dagen na het poten werd een vermindering met 14% gevonden in de opbrengst van consumptieaardappelen.Pootgoedbehandeling met het siderofoorproducerende isolaat WCS358 verhoogde de opbrengst van pootaardappelen in de 1:3-rotatie met 13%. Een Tn5-transposonmutant van dit isolaat die het vermogen sideroforen te produceren had verloren, had geen effect op de opbrengst. In de 1:6-rotatie had behandeling van pootgoed met WCS358 geen effect op de opbrengst van pootaardappelen.Zowel in de nauwe (1:3) als in de ruimte (1:6) rotatie werd (130 dagen na het poten), geen effect van behandeling van pootgoed met WCS358 op de opbrengst van consumptieaardappelen gevonden.Wortelkolonisatie door siderofoorproducerende Tn5-transposonmutanten van WCS358 nam aan het eind van het seizoen af. Er werd, 130 dagen na het poten, geen verschil in wortelkolonisatie geconstateerd tussen siderofoorproducerende en siderofoornegatieve Tn5-transposonmutanten.Siderofoorproduktie blijkt een voorwaarde te zijn voor verhoging van de knolopbrengst door WCS358 onder veldomstandigheden. De verhoging van de knolopbrengst treedt alleen op in de nauwe aardappelrotatie. Dit is de eerste keer dat de betrokkenheid van sideroforen bij groeistimulatie onder veldomstandigheden is aangetoond.  相似文献   
转座子标签法克隆水稻基因前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
转座子标签法克隆基因是近年来发展起来的一种非常有效的分子生物技术。介绍了转座子标签技术克隆基因的基本原理及研究进展,并对转座子标签技术在水稻基因克隆上的应用进行了讨论分析。  相似文献   
针对链霉菌中现有转座子系统的一些缺陷,构建了一个链霉菌中的微型转座子质粒pHL265,它携带的转座酶基因tnpA在转座子mini-Tn4560A外部,降低了发生二次转座的可能性,并带有大肠杆菌与链霉菌进行属间接合转移的起始位点oriT,可通过接合转移的方式将其从大肠杆菌导入到链霉菌中.利用该转座子系统转座筛选得到天蓝色链霉菌M145的约1 000株转座突变株.选取其中的8株,经Southern杂交验证可知,该转座子的转座基本具有随机性,并在宿主DNA中稳定存在.此系统为链霉菌功能基因组的研究提供了新的技术手段.  相似文献   
为了较好地解决家蚕杆状病毒基因表达系统(BmNPV expression system)在重组病毒构建和纯化过程中存在的重组率低、空斑分析技术繁琐、花费时间长等缺点,借鉴国外AcNPV Bac-to-Bac快速基因表达系统工作原理,对家蚕BmNPV基因组进行了改造。通过同源重组的方法,将含有单拷贝数细菌F复制子、插入有细菌转座子整合靶位点、编码LacZα肽的部分DNA片段和抗性选择标记基因的基因片段重组入家蚕BmNPV基因组,替换多角体蛋白基因,获得了家蚕BmNPV病毒穿梭载体BmBacm id;并利用供体质粒上的表达盒和细菌转座子以及细菌转座子的基因定位转移作用,在细菌体内实现外源目的基因向家蚕BmNPV基因组上的转移整合,快速完成重组BmN-PV病毒的构建。  相似文献   
An Acidovorax citrulli–cucumber pathosystem was established through which A. citrulli mutants with altered pathogenicity, generated by transposon mutagenesis, were identified on cucumber cotyledons. The A. citrulli group I strain FC440 was shown to grow faster in cucumber leaf tissues than a group II strain and was used for Tn5 transposon mutagenesis. A total of 2100 Tn5 insertional mutants were generated, and analysis of the mutant library showed that the transposon insertions were single, independent and stable. A conserved non‐flagellar type III secretion system (NF‐T3SS) ATPase gene hrcN was identified and confirmed to be essential for pathogenicity and functionality of NF‐T3SS in Acitrulli. Comparative sequence analysis of the HrcN protein and its homologues in other representative bacterial plant pathogens revealed that the NF‐T3SS of Acitrulli is close to that of Ralstonia solanacearum and Xanthomonas campestris, but distant from that of Pseudomonas syringae and Erwinia amylovora. The generated Tn5 insertional mutant collection is valuable for identification of genes required for A. citrulli pathogenesis, and the established A. citrulli–cucumber pathosystem will facilitate an improved understanding of A. citrulli biology and pathology.  相似文献   
为了探讨piggyBac转座子在鲤科鱼类及鳅科鱼类转基因中的适用性,实验通过将PAβ启动子控制的DsRed表达元件插入pigA3GFP中,构建转基因载体pigA3GFP-AβDsRed。用该载体对草鱼肾脏(CIK)细胞转染,结果显示,通过piggyBac转座子可将外源基因导入到CIK细胞的基因组中,来源于家蚕的A3启动子和来源于巨细胞病毒的CMV启动子在CIK细胞均具有活性。将转基因载体pigA3GFP、pigA3GFP-AβDsRed分别与辅助质粒helper-pigA3混合后以精子介导法导入金鱼和泥鳅的受精卵后,经荧光观察、PCR鉴定、Dot blotting鉴定,证实获得了转基因金鱼和转基因泥鳅。研究表明,PB转座子在鲤科鱼类及鳅科的一些鱼中具有转座活性。  相似文献   
微型颠倒重复序列(miniature inverted repeat transposable elements,MITEs)是一类对基因组进化和基因表达有重要调节作用的转座子。为分析MITEs在毛竹基因组中的分布特性,借鉴Fast Isolation by AFLP of Sequences Containing repeats(FIASCO)方法,首次构建Stowaway-like MITEs富集文库。随机挑取21个克隆,测序发现2个含有Stowaway-like MITEs序列(Stow-Ph1和Stow-Ph2),阳性率为9.52%。Stow-Ph1和Stow-Ph2的长度分别为260和258bp,具有Stowaway-like MITEs典型的末端颠倒重复序列(terminal inverted repeats,TIRs)和靶位点重复序列(target site duplication,TSD)。Stow-Ph1和Stow-Ph2与水稻的Stow-Os8(FJ266024)的同源性分别为46.4%和52.6%。Stow-Ph1和Stow-Ph2与水稻16类Stowaway-like MITEs的TI...  相似文献   
Tn5转座诱变选育冠菌素耐高温生产菌株及其发酵条件研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用双亲接合的方法将含有Tn5转座子的质粒pRL1063a导入丁香假单胞菌大豆致病变种(Pseudomonas syingae pv. glycinea)PG4180中,在含有卡那霉素和链霉素的MG平板上筛选抗性接合子。通过诱变,从874个突变株中筛选得到2株高温下产生冠菌素的突变株MFB132和MFB141。进而对菌株MFB141的发酵条件进行了优化,其最佳发酵条件为:2%葡萄糖为碳源,0.1%氯化铵为氮源,培养基初始pH为6.8,装液量为50 mL / 500mL,接种量为2%,发酵温度由原来的18℃上升到28℃,而发酵时间由原来的168 h缩短到108 h。在最优化条件下,出发菌株28℃下冠菌素产量仅为1.8 mg/L,而突变株MFB141在28℃下的产量达到37.66 mg/L,大约是出发菌株的21倍。  相似文献   
A transposon‐like element, A3aPro, with multiple copies in the Phytophthora sojae genome, was identified as a suitable detection target for this devastating soyabean root rot pathogen. The PCR primers TrapF1/TrapR1 were designed based on unique sequences derived from the transposon‐like sequence. A 267‐bp DNA fragment was amplified using this primer pair, the specificity of which was evaluated against 118 isolates of P. sojae, 72 isolates of 25 other Phytophthora spp., isolates of Pythium spp. and isolates of true fungi. In tests with P. sojae genomic DNA, detection sensitivities of 10 pg and 10 fg DNA were achieved in standard PCR (TrapF1/TrapR1) and nested PCR (TrapF1/TrapR1 and TrapF2/TrapR2), respectively. Meanwhile, PCR with TrapF1/TrapR1 primers detected the pathogen at the level of a single oospore, and even one zoospore. These primers also proved to be efficient in detecting pathogens from diseased soyabean tissues, residues and soils. In addition, real‐time quantitative PCR (qPCR) assays coupled with the TrapF1/TrapR1 primers were developed to detect and quantify the pathogen. The results demonstrated that the TrapF1/TrapR1 and TrapF2/TrapR2 primer‐based PCR assay provides a rapid and sensitive tool for the detection of P. sojae in plants and in production fields.  相似文献   
Tgf2转座系统在转RFP基因斑马鱼上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提高目的基因的转植效率与可遗传效率是转基因鱼研制的关键点之一。本研究利用近年开发的金鱼转座子系统进行转基因斑马鱼的研制,探讨其在转基因鱼上应用的可行性。通过PCR方法,改造Tgf2转座子供体质粒pTgf2-EF1α-eGFP,将肌球蛋白轻链2启动子(mylz2)与红色荧光蛋白基因(RFP)定向插入其中,构建可在肌肉组织特异性表达红色荧光蛋白的Tgf2转座子供体质粒pTgf2-Mylz2-RFP。通过显微注射,将Tgf2转座子供体质粒与Tgf2转座酶mRNA共注射于斑马鱼(Danio ririo)受精卵中,共注射受精卵972粒,出膜后存活的仔鱼803尾,其中携带外源基因的仔鱼为615尾,阳性率为76.6%。转红色荧光蛋白基因斑马鱼首代F0培育至性成熟,将其中的10尾F0斑马鱼分别与野生型斑马鱼进行配对繁殖,其中1个组合产生了体表呈现均匀红色荧光的F1个体,因此RFP在F0的整合率为10%。将红色荧光F1个体培育至性成熟并与野生型鱼配对繁殖,F2的阳性个体占69%。本研究结果说明,由Tgf2转座子介导的转基因技术,可有效提高目的基因的转植效率与整合效率,在转基因鱼构建以及相关研究中具有开发应用前景。  相似文献   
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